For the rich, the American Dream is a completely different story. Unlike the poor and unfortunate, the rich have money and success. The Rich and Famous have a verity of dreams. We have our Oprahs who want to help fix the worlds problems. We have our Bill Gates who want to improve the world of technology. We even have our Britney Spears who just want to do whatever pleases them and spend their money. Their are so many different categories for what American Dreams the rich and famous have. Some want to help the world while others just want to do whatever pleases them. The world is their oyster and they have the option to live life how they want it. Unlike the poor, once the rich get started off and have a decent amount of money, they don't have to do much more work to survive. The rich who actually choose to live a life in which they help others are living an American Dream that everyone can look upon and agree that they are doing some good in the world.