The history of the American Dream can date back to when the first settlers came to American in search for freedom of their religion. Back in their homelands, they were viewed down upon for their religious beliefs and their own political views. These settlers were ready to do just about anything they could to be happy and live for what they believed in. As time went on, more and more people came to America in search to settle the new land. Many people from Europe were sick of their poor living conditions and wanted better standards for their living. As industrialism boomed in the United States more and more people came to America to go “from rags to riches”. Even back in the day, every person had their own ideas for what their own American Dream was. One idea that many people shared was absolute success. The idea of absolute success implies that you (as an American) reach some sort of goal, or well being that is higher than that of someone else's or yourself. There is also competitive success that is the idea of being better than other people. Also there is the idea of relative success which is becoming better off than some comparison point in your life time.
As time has went on, more ideas have been brought in to the American Dream. People have also expanded these ideas that the early settlers had about the American Dream. The American Dream is one thing that all people who came to America can relate to in one way or another.